
中心主旨 (Mission)


         本中心以運籌系為協商窗口,運籌系在供應鏈協同作業相關技術方面,具有充分的教學資源設備與優良教學師資,結合協同商務與物流自動化發展的供應鏈協同作業 中心,是未來企業界物流發展之主流。供應鏈協同作業中心未來將協助管院所有系所進行關於供應鏈管理與協同合作之產學合作案,達成管院教師在教學與研究方面實務與理論並重。

         開設相關課程包括倉儲管理、物流自動化、協同規劃與作業等三門,課程涵蓋的技術將包括倉儲管理資訊系統、無線射頻辨識技術、先進規劃與排程等,透過這些課 程的安排,將可使學生了解供應鏈協同作業的基本方法與實務操作,以提升學生在就業市場或學術研究上的能力。搭配大學生實務專題進行研究,在中心設備較健全 時,可提供研究計畫使用相關資源,並邀請相關廠商或學者進行演講與座談會,希望透過業界與學界對供應鏈協同作業的相關設備、特性、架構與作業等技術方法的 討論,達到經驗與學術交流的目的。而以下為供應鏈協同作業中心與其他中心之關聯圖。

        As part of the implementation of providing supply chains management and collaboration with the industry, so that the teaching and research resources can be used in a synergistic manner, the National Kaohsiung University School of Management Supply Chain Center was established.

         Department of Logistics Management is the center's point of contact for communicating with the industry. The Department of Logistics Management has adequate equipment and teaching resources to support logistics related operations and technologies. The Supply Chain Center that combines collaborative commerce and logistics automation is the mainstay of logistics development in the corporate world.

        Through the arrangement of three related courses, students will gain an understanding of the basic methods of collaborative work in the supply chain for various industry sectors and to strengthen their skills in academic research or the job market. This program covers warehouse management, logistics automation and collaborative planning and operations. There are multiple activities carried out by the center: supervising college students to carry out research on practical topics, providing advice on how to use related resources and inviting suppliers and scholars to give lectures and seminars. By providing a forum for discussion on the logistics equipment, operations, architecture, and other aspects of supply chain operations, the aim of the center is to build a strong relationship between the industrial and academic sectors.