
定位特色 (Main Features)


         在全球化市場的競爭環境下,供應鏈協同作業模式有助於企業對商流、物流、資訊流、金流、 人力流進行更有效地規劃和控制,從而將客戶、研發中心、供應商、製造商、銷售商和服務商等連結成具有競爭力的合作夥伴,有鑑於此,供應鏈協同作業中心成立 的定位,除了期望能導入與建構協同作業所需要的設備與環境外,同時期望開設相關專業課程、訓練產業人才及從事相關研究,以提供學生和產學業界一個知識與經 驗交流的資源平台。



        要達到供應鏈的協同作業,必須依靠最新資訊科技(如商業智慧)與通訊技術(如 RFID、手持行動設備)的協助,因此本中心的特色便在於強調如何應用與整合行動化與無紙化設備於供應鏈管理系統中,以建立供應鏈協同作業為目標的教學研 究環境,並著重運籌管理面的實務操作。

Positioning of the Center

         In the competitive environment of the global market, the supply chain collaborative operation model allows companies to better plan and control business flow, logistics, information flow, cash flow, and human flow, thus bringing together customers, R&D centers, suppliers, manufacturers, sellers, and service providers. Hence, the goal of the supply chain collaborative operation center is not simply to introduce and construct equipment and environment required for collaborative operation, but also to set up relevant professional courses, train industry talents and conduct related research to provide students with a platform to exchange knowledge and experience with industry and academia.


Main Features of the Center

        In order to establish a collaborative operation in a supply chain, the latest information technologies (such as business intelligence) and communication technology (such as RFID or mobile handheld devices) will be essential. The center emphasizes how to integrate mobile and paperless technologies into the supply chain management. Therefore, the characteristics of the center can be summed up as follows:

(a) Creating a collaborative environment for research and teaching with respect to the supply chain      management.

(b) Focusing on managerial practices and logistics.

(c) Emphasizing the adoption of paperless and mobile devices.